
The Lost Lands: The Northlands Saga Complete

Created by Frog God Games

An epic campaign guide and adventure path in The Lost Lands for Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry from the publishers of Sword of Air!

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Reasons You’re Gonna’ Want The Northlands Saga Complete, cont.
about 9 years ago – Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 12:46:17 PM

Reason #3: New Monsters!!

Among the many things to be found in The Northlands Saga Complete is a chapter devoted entirely to new monsters, including a new monster subtype specific to the Northlands as well as new types of arms and armor associated with some of these monsters.

Below is the Table of Contents entry for the new monsters chapter in The Northlands Saga Campaign Guide:

Chapter 5: Þurisaz, New Monsters

Sceadugengan: Optional Subtype   


Aurochs, Northlands (Dire Kine)


Beaver, Dire

Beaver, Giant

Blood Eagle

Bog Hag

Bog Horse

Bog Hound


Giant, Common

Common Giant Arms and Armor



Jomsbeast, The


Swarm, Degenerate Mephit






And just to give a little bit more info on the flavor of the Northlands, here's the write-up for the sceadugengan subtype introduced in The Northands Saga to highlight the fact that though the Northlanders are hard-bitten, blooded vikings, they remain a highly superstitious folk with a well-founded fear of the dark...

Sceadugengan: Optional Subtype

If you wish to truly capture the Northlanders’ fear of the unknown, you can make use of the sceadugengan subtype.

Sceadugengan Subtype: Creatures with this subtype are considered to be supernatural creatures of the night known as “shadow walkers” to Northlanders, Nûk, Seagestrelanders, Ulnat, and dwarves from the Northlands. When a member of one of those cultures (and other cultures at the GM’s discretion) encounters a creature with the sceadugengan subtype, that individual must make a Will save of DC 10 + the CR of the creature encountered or be shaken until the encounter is over. The GM should not reveal the DC of the Will save, so that the character does not know the CR of the creature being faced. If a sceadugengan is defeated and there are other sceadugenga present, the shaken condition is removed for the rest of that encounter and any other encounters with the shadow walkers of an equal or lower CR for 24 hours. After that, the flush of victory has worn off, and the character must make a new Will save if sceadugenga of that CR or lower are encountered. Likewise, if a Will save is successful, no new Will save is necessary to avoid being shaken against a sceadugenga of that CR or lower for 24 hours.

In addition to those monsters included in this chapter that have the sceadugengan subtype, to a Northlander, Nûk, Seagestrelander, Ulnat, or dwarf native to the Northlands, the following types and subtypes of monsters would likewise be considered to have the sceadugengan subtype:

Aberration, (Acid), (Asura),(Catfolk), (Cold), (Daemon), (Dark Folk), (Demodand) ,(Demon), (Devil), (Div), (Earth), (Electricity), (Elemental), (Extraplanar), Fey, (Fire), (Fungus), (Gnoll), (Goblinoid), (Grippli), (Incorporeal), (Kami), (Kyton), (Leshy), Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, (Nightshade), (Oni), (Orc), (Protean), (Qlippoth), (Rakshasa), (Ratfolk), (Reptilian), (Sasquatch), (Shapechanger) — If known to the observer, (Skulk), (Stormwarden), (Tabaxi), Undead, (Vanara), (Vapor) ,(Vishkanya), (Water).

For new subtypes not included in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiaries 1–4 or The Tome of Horrors Complete, the GM must use his judgment to determine if it would qualify as sceadugenga to a Northlander.