
The Lost Lands: The Northlands Saga Complete

Created by Frog God Games

An epic campaign guide and adventure path in The Lost Lands for Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry from the publishers of Sword of Air!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We Have Funded!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 08:36:18 PM

We are coming down to the final stretch and we've passed the $62,000 goal! We know that this is an epic book, but it will no doubt be one of crown jewels in your collection!

Recently the poster map for The Northlands was finalized and we'd like everyone to have a look:

Full sized poster map available as an Add On for $7!
Full sized poster map available as an Add On for $7!

We also have a review from Endzeitgeist (EZG) on The Northlands for your enjoyment in case you missed it in our earlier update:

The first installments of Northlands Saga have been a blast for me. Why? Because, for the first time in ages, I actually saw modules there that *GOT* Viking adventures. You see, I have a degree in Scandinavian literature and culture – I’m fluent in quite a few languages and they include Norse. I know a lot about culture, aesthetics and morality – and almost everyone gets it wrong. There quite frankly may be quite a few fantasy modules set against a viking backdrop – but they do not *get* the culture. The different concepts of what’s right and what’s wrong, the morality that is not based on a direct dichotomy between good and evil, much less what constitutes acceptable behavior and what doesn’t. Kennings, dróttkvæði and similar concepts…well, let’s not start with them. Frog God Games’ Northlands Saga got that right – and whe no new modules were released, just as the series one-upped itself time and again, I was kind of sad. Now, it’s completed and back – in a massive Slumbering Tsar-level hardcover of epic proportions and I knew that this would be where my birthday’s money would go. I believe in this book – it’s massive, unique and huge and I sincerely believe, that with Kenneth Spencer and legend Greg A. Vaughan at the helm, this will crash the shores of bookshelves with the impact of a thousand dragon-ships. I whole heartedly endorse this massive book!

See Website Here

As for the rest of the campaign "it's all down hill from here" as they say. We have two days left so make sure you continue spreading the word via Facebook and Google+ so no one misses out!

Thank you for bringing this book to life and as always, happy gaming!

-Chris (Viking Frog)

Another Reason? The Jomsburg!!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 05:54:01 AM

The Jomsburg - final version
The Jomsburg - final version

Probably not the best place to peddle your Girl Scout cookies (okay, who am I kidding, even Jomsvikings love Girl Scout cookies)...but unfortunately when your PCs visit this lovely locale in the adventure path it'll be without the benefit of delicious Thin Mints, succulent Samoas, decadent Tagalongs, or boring ol' Trefoils (Jomvikings hate Trefoils) in tow. Enjoy!

Closing in on Ragnarok!
over 8 years ago – Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 11:22:52 PM

Ok, we are getting close to goal, and close to the end of the project! By popular demand, we have added player’s guides to the mix---these guys retail for $13 ($6 pdf), and are a little bit bigger than usual (about 50-60 pages I am told—though as usual, don’t quote me on that until layout is done). We are less than $9k from goal as I write this, and I am sure that the end surge will get us over the hump. Everyone keep in mind that the actual MSRP on this monster is $150—so Kickstarter backers (and retailers) are getting a big discount for helping us make the project happen. Simply put, without you guys, we could never afford to lay out the $60k or so to make such a huge book, buy art, maps and library bind these things for years of use. Frog God Games and myself pride ourselves on making our books using highest quality materials on the market—no cheaping out here. You guys have been so loyal after all these years, that I don’t know what to say besides thank you—it’s you that lets us do this and makes it possible for us to bring our hobby to the world. The final push is on—so get the word out, and if you are sitting on the fence, please consider pledging to help us and our fans create one of the largest roleplaying game books ever made. We are pretty sure you won’t be disappointed, after all, its Vikings, as well as the northernmost area of the Lost lands! Remember, the modules are softcover and you should get them because…well, because they are really cool. Likewise, Players may need maps to go with their player’s guides! We will be updating and pestering your mailboxes with reminders over the next few days. So forgive our spam as we drive to the finish line! We have plenty more in store over the next few months, and we may even delve into 5e to test the market for Lost lands material in that format. Vikings will be alive and well at both Gamehole Con and UCon this November (we will be at both—and I am the guest of honor at the latter). Stop in and visit or get into one of my late night S&W games if you can (I heard Jillian’s game already filled at UCon).

BW 25-9-15

Reasons You’re Gonna’ Want The Northlands Saga Complete, cont.
over 8 years ago – Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 11:22:49 PM

Reason #4: The Gates of Hell!!!

Knock, knock...
Knock, knock...

Really I think that's probably 'nuff said right there, but some of you are probably thinking to yourselves: "Gates of Hell? Shouldn't it be Gates of Hel?" And to you I say, "NO!!...Well, actually, yes but then followed with a resounding NO!!"

The Gates of Hell (pictured above) are a planar aperture at the heart of one of the Northlands' mightiest volcanos, and yes it does indeed lead to the realm of Hel in Nilheim, but that's not all. It also leads to Muspelheim, Jotenheim, the Abyss, the Hells, Hades, and a bunch of places. Because it is actually a portal that leads to the Ginnungagap, the Void Between, where all of these lovely places and many more can be accessed.

But what's going on with that skull, and those dudes in robes, and that dwarf...wait, has he been nailed to that guy behind him with a spear?!?

All legitimate questions, and all will be answered in good The Northlands Saga Adventure Path.

So if you're still looking for excuses to jump into this project, just consider an open pit leading to Hell to be one more reason to make the leap. Wait, that didn't come out right...

Endzeitgeist Reviews of Northlands Saga
over 8 years ago – Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 11:22:47 PM

I just stumbled across Endzeitgeist's reviews of a couple of the original Northlands adventures that have been included, updated, and greatly expanded upon for The Northlands Saga Complete. I'm not sure if anyone has already posted these here, but in case they haven't and anyone is still trying to decide whether to go in on this project or not you can check these out for more information. Warning: spoilers abound so if you're going to be playing through these, don't read the reviews.