
The Lost Lands: The Northlands Saga Complete

Created by Frog God Games

An epic campaign guide and adventure path in The Lost Lands for Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry from the publishers of Sword of Air!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Survey Setup
almost 9 years ago – Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 07:22:31 PM

Hi All,

I just wanted to give you a quick update about the Backerkit Survey. We have everything setup and ready to go, we just need a review by the folks at Backerkit. This means you should be expecting the surveys to go out within the next couple of days. Through the survey we will collect shipping fees, get your address information, and offer add ons such as The Long Winter's Night softcovers and PDFs.

Thank you for backing our project and keep an eye out for the survey email!

Happy Gaming!

-Chris (Viking Frog) 

We Hit Another Stretch Goal
almost 9 years ago – Fri, Oct 02, 2015 at 06:07:12 AM

The Teeth of Winter is in! 5 more minutes!!


Just wow...
almost 9 years ago – Fri, Oct 02, 2015 at 03:54:43 AM

Wow, guys! You have really kicked this project into high gear. It wasn't that long ago that I was watching that pledge total inch its way up from day to day and bite my nails wondering if we were even going to make it to the $62,000 goal. Now here we are with an hour-and-a-half left to go and we're about to hit $72,000. You have blown my mind yet again. It is the fans who make Frog God Games exist and the fans who make the FGG books happen. I don't think it's possible to adequately express just how much it means to us that you love the books that we love to make. And you definitely put your money where your mouth is when it comes to that love. Thank you so much for all the support you give us, not only in the pledges (which are HUGE btw!) but also in the way you spread the word about what we do and what we make and how much you like it. For every Endzeitgeist out there, there are 100 or 500 regular Joe's who spread the word through their group of friends and to their local game stores. You guys are the front-line grunts in the trenches getting the job done to make sure FGG has the ability to make books. There is no way we could do it without you. And I hope our books always continue to live up to your expectations.

So as we near the finish line on this project, we've unlocked the next two Lost Lands Tales Packs (whose stories will also appear in the Player's Guide) and we're on the verge of hitting the first of the add-on bonus modules at $72,500. If we make it to that stretch, it couldn't be more fitting that the bonus module in question is none other than The Teeth of Winter by Ken Spencer, the very man who conceived of, pitched, and created what has become the Northlands Saga Complete for Frog God Games. From Vengeance of the Long Serpent in 2010 to The Teeth of Winter in 2015, I couldn't think of better bookends for the saga that this has been. :-)

But fret not. As you've probably heard, even if we don't make it to Ken's bonus adventure goal, it as well as the others from Kevin Wright, Jeff Provine, and Ed Greenwood (yes, that Ed Greenwood) plus 2 more additional bonus-er (word?) adventures by James Spahn and Casey Christofferson are available right now as soft cover module add-ons for $12 apiece (or $60 for all 6). So even if none of them manage to get included in the book book, that doesn't mean that they are lost to us forever.

Again I and all of us at FGG extend our sincerest thanks for making the Northlands Saga Kickstarter a success.


All Stretch Goals Achieved!
almost 9 years ago – Thu, Oct 01, 2015 at 11:13:54 PM

w00t! We've passed $70,000 and it's still climbing! We only have a matter of hours left so keep up to good work in spreading the word!

Stretch Goal #3 Down
almost 9 years ago – Thu, Oct 01, 2015 at 04:24:50 PM

You guys are really blowing this project up! :-) Less than 24 hours to go and you've churned through the first three stretch goals:

All backers of the KS will receive the Gulf of Akados Region Map pdf for free (again, I know many of you probably already have this, but this first low-threshold stretch goal is a way to welcome new FGG customers to the fold and help them get oriented to the Lost Lands).

The Northlands Pre-Gens will be added into the main book for free in addition to being sold as a part of the Player's Guide.

Tales Pack #3 will be available as a pdf for $2 in addition to being sold as a part of the Player's Guide.

We're less than $2000 away from unlocking Tales Pack #4 as a separate pdf entity as well (it is also already included in the Player's Guide).

For several weeks the KS Tracker had been predicting that we would not fund or would only barely fund, which is what prompted us to take the stretch goals (the adventures for instance) and market them separately because otherwise it didn't look like we'd even be able to produce the book, much less release those stretch goal items. But you guys have really come through in a big way. I'm amazed with the push that we've seen in the last few days and the constant steady trickle that has been coming in all along. The efforts of you, our fans and backers, has made all the difference for a project that early on looked like it might be doomed. I can't thank you all enough for what you've done and can only say, you're really going to like this book. :-)

Thank you for everything!!
